Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Trips, Something Always Happens.

The Bahamas, Years ago

A couple of years ago, my family and I went on a boat to the Bahamas. All of my cousins including myself and my sister were pretty young, but we will never forget the day that it happened.  We had been going to beaches that were empty, the only people there was us. My cousins my sister and I were hiding things in the water close to the shore at one of the tiny, clean, and beautiful beaches. We had been wanting to see manta rays since we got there, but we had had no such luck. My closest cousin (that is three month younger than me) and I saw something dark in the water. We got scared so we ran out of the water as fast as we could. My sister on the other hand decided that she wanted to see what this dark thing was, she was so happy; believing it was a manta ray. But it wasn’t. Our aunts and uncles realized what this animal was and started screaming for the rest of us to get out of the water. My sister didn’t listen. She got closer and closer believing it was a manta ray, once she was close enough she realized that this animal in the water was not a manta ray, it was a shark. On her face you could see the panic that overtook her. To this day I don’t understand how she got out of the water so quickly. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Book im Reading!

The Story Sisters by Alice Hoffman
                Right now I am reading the book The Story Sisters. This book is very interesting. I am about 150 pages into it, and so far I like it. The book has three characters that are sisters and I think it is kind of weird because they have like their own little world called Arnelle, which also has its language. The sisters didn’t make the language up, they just knew it. I didn’t know who the main character of the story was, but as the story advanced the main character became Elv. Even though the other two sisters, Claire and Meg are still there the life of Elv and what she is going through is explained in more depth. This book is somewhat inappropriate because there is ugly language in it and because some parts are very vivid. Over all I think this book shows that Elv is a teenager that just when out of control and got sent to a behavior school. Meg isn’t very fond of her but Claire on the other hand loves her. They became inseparable the day that a man tried to kidnap Claire but Elv saved her. The man ended up kidnapping Elv, but she managed to escape. If we get to the point I am in (the middle of the story) I like this book. It is something that entertains me and believe it or not, I actually read it when im not in English class. I would lend this book to friends once I'm done reading it, but because I know my friends I would also tell them if they would like it or not. Its their choice to read it.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A New Beginning

A blog…..this is something that I would have never done if this were not my assignment. I don't think that people will read this blog because there are so many out there, but anyways I will write about what happens to me in my everyday life.

To begin with, I am currently in ninth grade. This is my second year at my school (which is international) and I thought that I was going to have trouble making friends, but I was wrong. Things that you should know about me are that I am very social; and even though I don’t like to do my work I take it very seriously. I am a person that has problems like any other person but I always try to make the best out of it. I like to listen to music, a lot; most of the time I have my ipod with me and when I can, I listen to music. My sister has a dog that I really dislike (because it is evil) even though I really don’t dislike dogs. Traveling is something that my family likes to do; we have been to many places even though we have only lived in Florida and Venezuela. We have been everywhere from New York to Singapore. I really love all of my friends and I always say that my sisters are so annoying, but I love them too.

I don’t really know what I want to write about in my blog yet, but it will probably be about my experiences. In my entries I think I will talk about crazy things that have happened to me or my family; most of what I will talk about will be my trips that I have taken, some with friends and some with family. I would also write about things that happened in school, it could be a class that was fun and that made me laugh or it could be about something that friends do that made me smile. I will write about things that are happening or that I find out about and if I agree or disagree with what has happened; if sometimes I am really stuck on what I want to write about then I'll use one of the topics that my English teacher will provide for my entire class.