There are some people that we have relationships with, where we trust them enough to tell them every different detail of our lives. We sometimes call those people best friends. A best friend to me is someone that I can completely trust. That person has to be someone that I know; a person that…even if we fight ill trust that person enough to know that they won’t tell anybody the details that nobody knows. A best friend for me is someone that I can be completely stupid with and that person won’t judge me. Some one that will tell me if I’m doing something wrong or embarrassing myself or doing something stupid that I would not want anyone else to see. I would have to be able to talk to this person all day or for at least three hours straight on the phone, and not run out of things to talk about. When something bad happens I could tell this person and completely trust their advice or if they don’t have any they would sit with me listen and hug me. it would be someone that was like a sister; a person that you could eventually consider to be your family.
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